After using the griddle every day, there will be oil stains on the griddle plate.
Here’s a little trick for you,it only takes three steps to clean it quickly without using any cleaning agents!
Tools needed
Ice cubes, a rag, a bottle of white vinegar, a steel wool, and a dry rag.
First step
You have to heat the griddle first and quickly pour in ice cubes
Thermal shock caused by huge temperature difference
the plate contracts and expands,causing the dirt to detach from the surface.
Second step
After wiping the surface with a rag,
some stubborn stains can still be seen.
Take out a bottle of white vinegar and pour it on the griddle plate.
Scrub it with a steel wool until the surface is clean.
Final step
Use a dry rag to wipe the moisture off the surface of the griddle plate.
Apply a layer of oil to isolate the air.
Prevent the stainless steel griddle plate from rusting.
Now we have a brand new griddle!